15 Tips To Create An Engaging Web Design

15 Tips To Create An Engaging Web Design

Websites are a great platform to connect with millions of users across the world. You are no longer restricted to local areas when it comes to business. But the website should be good enough to help you grow. You have to keep an audience and convince them to participate. You need to make sure that your website interacts to convert the audience into loyal customers. Here are 15 tips for creating an attractive website design.

1. Simplicity

Use a simple, clutter-free web design. Take a look at your web design, does it capture the essence of the brand right through it? If not, you need to change things up a bit.

Simplicity is very attractive and in trend these days. Make your website layout simple so that it is easy to navigate, navigate and load as well. Moreover, it conveys the brand message easily and does not convey attention to less important elements.

A cluttered web page lacks purpose and direction and yields no results. So, develop a simple and attractive web design.

2. Make Navigation Better

Good website design has a clear structure of hierarchy. It leads the viewers' eyes from the most important elements to the less important ones one by one.

Make eBay navigation buttons to deal with. It should be immediately visible to users.

Moreover, the home page should have all the other pages mentioned on it for easy access. This can be achieved by adding a navigation menu on your home page. Hierarchical browsing architecture is very popular in dealing with websites. It has general topics which have other sub topics which are mentioned below.

This makes your website clearly organized and thus confuses search engines to rank higher. Moreover, it generates more traffic on websites.

3. Add Clear CTAs

The call to action buttons is responsible for creating the desired action. It could be to buy a product or service or subscribe to something on a website. Call-to-action buttons (CTAs) should be clear and visible. It should stand out in the content and attract people's attention towards them. Distinctive and memorable calls to action will get people to convert. The absence of CTAs does not mean no participation and no conversion at all.

4. Balance Visual And Text Content

Too much textual content can seem boring to a lot of people online. It will reduce engagement on the site and therefore fewer results. Studies have claimed that visual content attracts more attention and makes people stay. It has been said that people process visual content such as images 60,000 times faster than text. Therefore, creating good quality images is important and can be done by hiring a graphic designer or using an online template design.

Therefore, web pages should consist of these two content in a balanced way.

You can better explain examples and statistics with pictures and graphs. The guidance and operations can be better explained using the videos.

Use multimedia content that is relevant and tailored to your target audience.

5. Easy To Read Content

The content should not be boring and difficult to read. Instead, make it easy to read and explain. It should be erasable to look more attractive. Don't make premium content difficult for the average audience.

Using bullets or numbered lists is a good way to provide the necessary information. Increases readability and engagement rate.

6. Use a negative space

Negative space, white space can be used to create a completely different impression through your website. It reduces clutter on the site and makes things look more clear and organized.

This increases the readability and scanning of the text as well. Also, it succeeds in keeping users on the site.

The use of mobile devices and desktop devices puts strain on the eyes. Using negative space in your web design will reduce stress on viewers' eyes. A good example of this is Google. It uses a lot of negative space on the web page which makes things clear and easy to read. Moreover, people are not easily distracted by such a page.

7. Wise Choice Of Colors

Use colors strategically to capture people's attention and convey the brand's message through it.

Colors have psychology and subconsciously stimulate emotions. You must have seen red and yellow restaurants a lot. These colors make people feel hungry. Likewise, Facebook and Twitter use blue. It is a calming colour. The Netflix logo uses red to show excitement and emotion.

You can use colors according to your needs and create a beautiful and attractive website.

Using conflicting colors on websites can cause viewers to run away. Therefore, choose colors that suit each other and complement each other. Also, one color should not destroy the influence of another on the human mind.

If you have a logo, use those colors on your website to maintain the brand.

8. Suitable Typeface

Fonts should look similar to the brand's values ​​and message. It should match the sentiment your brand wants to target. Few use sans serif fonts because they ensure readability. Fonts like Arial or Roboto are clear to read on web pages. For print, Times New Roman (serif font) works great. On web pages, they can be used in a few places like headings or headers which gives it an elegant touch.

Moreover, using the correct font size is also important. On devices with small screens like cell phones, using a font size smaller than 11 is disastrous.

9. Different Layout Style

You must have come across many websites online that follow the same layout pattern all the time. Although it is still consistent, it can turn out to be a bit boring at times. To make your website attractive and fresh, simple changes are required.

You can take advantage of different layout styles for some web pages. It will have something new and unexpected for your customers. You can use one layout for your blog and a different layout style for your Products and Services page. It will bring some variety and uniqueness into your web design.

10. Easy To Find Contact Details

Keep your contact details easily accessible on the website. After all, this is how viewers can reach you. If the contacts are hidden or hard to find, that won't be good. People can get frustrated when they can't find a way to contact you when they need your help.

On the other hand, customer interaction levels with readily available contact details go up.

You can make it available on the About page which is easily accessible from the navigation menu or you can put it in the footer of the website. This option is followed by many websites and remains a great option.

The contact information provided on the Websites must be accurate and similar to that available on other platforms. Credibility increases with consistency for various platforms.

11. Use A Warm Tone

Websites that use an artistic and formal tone make viewers disappear because of their technology. While, on the other hand, sites that use a warm and friendly tone interact well with site users. It makes them stay because things are easy, understandable, and clear.

Use friendly language when you interact with website users such as when explaining them, solutions are as friendly as possible. Creating a brand voice is easy.

12. Mobile Friendly Website

A special version must be created for mobile phones. Today's generation uses cell phones a lot. People spend 70% of their internet time on mobile devices. Hence, optimizing your mobile website is very essential.

Sharing on websites will drop if you don't optimize your website for mobile phones. Your website is judged on the basis of this mobile compatibility.

13. Connect With Social Media

Use social media components on your website to make it more attractive and attractive. It makes the website more interactive as people can share your content very easily with others.

It helps in increasing brand awareness. It also brings more traffic to your site as well as social media platforms. Your presence is growing more and more on social media. Also, it generates natural backlinks. The interaction with the brand is enhanced and the user experience of the site increases.

There are many places you can add social media plugins. It can be at the top or bottom of the page. They can also be placed in the sidebars, next to the content, or follow it.

14. Confirmation Screen

The confirmation screen should appear when users confirm a transaction with the company. It can be registering, purchasing a product or service, participating in contests, etc.

It provides assurance to users that their action was successful. The confirmation screen should thank users for the action they took. It has a positive effect on the mind of the viewer and attracts them to visit more than once.

15. Test Your Website

Testing a website is essential to see if it will attract and engage with an audience.

Take some time and thoroughly test your website. Before launching, you must delete all defects that you discover during testing.

Moreover, you can get feedback from users over time to learn more about areas that need improvement. Keep your website modern and up to date with necessary changes.


The above tips will help you create attractive web designs that your users will love to visit again and again. If you are a business owner and you have no programming knowledge, you can hire Professional Website Designers by visiting crowdsourcing markets like Designhill, Fiverr, People Per Hour, Freelancer etc. In addition, you should be aware of the current website design trends to understand the requirements of the users.

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